Bankruptcy Lawyer in Richmond Hill
At Weekend Lawyers, bankruptcy law specialists work to protect families, individuals and businesses during your most difficult financial trials. We’ll stop creditors from breathing down your neck right away, taking the time to explain Richmond Hill’s bankruptcy law rules and the filing process in depth. We’ll investigate your current financial standings, prepare documentation and set the best course of action for you, based on your long-term financial goals.
What Are Bankruptcy Exemptions?
Bankruptcy exemptions vary and are separated into federal and state classifications. Each state provides its own bankruptcy exemption amounts, and some do not allow you to choose the federal option. The most common types of exemptions are:
- Residence or homestead exemption
- Exemption of personal property including household goods, clothes and automobiles
- Benefits exemption relating to health and support
- Wildcard
How Long Does Discharged Bankruptcy Take?
The length of time it takes to complete a discharged bankruptcy is dependent on the type of bankruptcy you qualify and choose to file for. Discharges on a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can take approximately four months, while discharged bankruptcy occurs in four to five years when filing for Chapter 13.
Understanding Federal Bankruptcy Law
Federal Bankruptcy law supersedes state law (in most areas) and governs bankruptcy court. Correctly interpreting federal bankruptcy law can mean the difference between a smooth or painful transition to realizing your financial goals. Find a local bankruptcy attorney that is committed to your best interests.
What Do Bankruptcy Lawyers Do?
Bankruptcy lawyers are highly educated specialists with years of proven experience analyzing rulings and federal regulation, prepping documents, and providing sound financial strategy recommendations to residents and commercial entities. There is a lot of paperwork associated with declaring bankruptcy of any classification. With our guidance, we make sure the documents you need are available, easy to understand and filed promptly so nothing stands in the way between you and financial freedom.
What Happens in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is designed to give you a fresh new beginning by allowing a government trustee to liquidate your assets and use the profits to clear your debt. From start to eventual discharge, the process usually takes around six months when you work with a qualified professional—and we make the creditors go away, right away!
How Does Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Work?
Chapter 13 is a great alternative to asset liquidation because it gives you the opportunity to save your home from foreclosure, and gives you the chance to negotiate lower interest rates on items, like your car. Depending on your level of income, this is a three- to five-year debt repayment process that involves significantly lower monthly payments, and immunity from the creditors that have been coming at you non-stop.
Is Declaring Bankruptcy the Right Choice?
You’ve spent months wondering if declaring bankruptcy is the right choice. Now is the time to get the facts you need to make informed, positive changes to your financial environment. Don’t spend any more time suffocating under the weight of your debt, living in fear of being heckled by nasty creditors.
Consult with Richmond Hill’s industry leading bankruptcy law trustees to set up a consultation, and begin your journey toward peace of mind today.