Aurora Fathers Rights
Fathers often have, and should have, an active role in their children's lives. Ontario courts make custody and access decisions based on the child's best interest. In most cases, this includes generous access for both fathers and mothers. After a divorce or separation, however, a father does not always get the access to his child that he desires. Weekend Lawyers in Aurora represents fathers who feel their access or custody rights are not being respected. We are experienced family law and civil litigation lawyers who stand by the rights of all parents who want to participate fully in the upbringing of their children. If you want a skilled advocate on your side for this important issue, contact our fathers' rights lawyers in Aurora today and schedule a free consultation to speak with us about your concerns.
Parental Rights Issues
When a noncustodial parent has access rights — meaning that he or she has the legal right to see and visit with the child even though the child resides with the other parent — those access rights must be respected. Unfortunately, in some cases, a parent may move with the child without providing a forwarding address. Or, he or she may simply not return phone calls or fail to arrange for prescribed visits.
If access to your children is denied, the lawyers at our firm may be able to help make the situation better. The law does not favour mothers or fathers when it comes to issues of child support or custody. Fathers share equal responsibility and rights with regard to their child's welfare and well-being. This includes being able to see children and to make choices about their care, if that is best for the child. Weekend Lawyers is committed to providing fathers with advocacy that properly asserts their role in their child's life.
We know divorce and co-parenting issues are highly charged and emotionally stressful. Many of our clients do not have amicable relationships with their former spouses and find access issues to be challenging. Most of our clients are entitled to access to their children and we offer legal options to enforce their parenting rights. We take pride in thinking of ourselves as divorce lawyers for dads who want to stay an important part of their kids' lives.
Contact Us
The fathers' rights lawyers at Aurora's Weekend Lawyers are dedicated to sound legal options for you and your family. To schedule a consultation, call us at (416) 545-9605 or send us an email.